First look at the new U.S. shipment...

Nov 05 2014 Tags: Guitar Pedal, Moog, Mu-tron

So Craig - the man with a van - just turned up. He wasn't very pleased because when he went to pick up our pallet it was too wide and too tall to fit in his big van. So yes, we're happy even if he isn't. Anyway, we managed to get it all unloaded and this is what it looks like so far. Only opened a few of the 40 or so boxes; we'll do another update when we get the rest unpacked...

(And yes, it is exactly like Christmas morning for sound gear freaks.)

(And yes, that is a couple of Moog Minimoog Model D synthesisers, some nice Magnatone valve amps, a Mutron guitar pedal, a Super Fuzz pedal, and a LOT of pink polystyrene bits. None of this is listed yet so if you want to reserve anything then get in touch, and our mailing list generally gets a first look at what is incoming so sign up at the bottom of the homepage if you want a piece of the action.)

Vintage audio gear a-plenty Magnatone valve guitar ampMusitronics Mutron vintage guitar pedal 

Super Fuzz vintage guitar pedalSlapback Audio ScintillatorMagnatone valve guitar ampMoog Minimoog Model D analogue synthesiser

Moog Minimoog Model D analogue synthesiser

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