Tax (VAT)

Some of our gear will have VAT at 20% added in the UK/EU, but a lot of it won't. This should hopefully clarify the situation but if you have any questions then please get in touch.


  • These items will have two prices visible: with and without the tax.
  • If you are buying in the UK/EU you will receive an invoice showing the tax component.
  • If you are buying these items outside the EU when you get to the check out and enter your shipping location you will be charged the ex-VAT price.
  • VAT-free sales are also possible to businesses within the EU with a valid VAT number. You will need to contact us in order to buy via this means.


    • Much of what we sell is classified as "Second Hand Goods" and so while we still pay some tax, there is no recoverable/deductible component for sales to any part of the world.
    • So, the price you see is the price you pay wherever you are.


    • Shipping charges are also subject to VAT at 20% within the UK/EU - this is included within the prices you see for shipping to those areas - it is not shown separately in the cart but will be shown on the VAT invoice you receive with your goods.

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