Useful Links
This page will grow as we add some of our favourite blogs, information resources, repair services and other resources for the vintage sound and studio gear owner. We are choosy about what get's listed here and will only put things up we genuinely have experience of. That said all links and services are of course used entirely at your own risk.
EffectsDatabase - does exactly what it says; more info on obscure effects units old and new than you can shake a stick at.
Retro Synth Ads - another great resource packed with useful links and information, as well as the rather brilliant 70s and 80s ads for all the gear when it first came out. - a great Mu-tron source: website full of the history of these iconic units; maintained by Mike Beigel, inventor of the Mu-tron III and founder of Musitronics Corp.
Effectrode - audiophile effect pedals - new pedals made with old valves - an example of something modern that can really stand up against the vintage stuff. Also Phil's news page is a great resource for information about the history and science of valve technology, plus his insanely detailed bits on restoration of things like Binson Echorecs.
MatrixSynth - everything synth - synth stuff from across the web; some good synthesiser demos come up on here.
The Creative Corporation - The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page, Pink Floyd, Nirvana, Oasis, John Lennon, Janis Joplin, Tom Petty... and Soundgas. Just a list of a few of The Creative Corporation's clients. They did our fantastic re-worked and upgraded logo.
Floating Points - Sam Shepherd is making some of the most extraordinary music anywhere right now. An audiophile and sonic pioneer for sure, but with real emotion and soul. Vintage gear meets cutting edge tech and real musicianship with stunning results.
Psych Up Melodies - Italian psychedelic rock and experimental music label. Releases include reissues of French 1970's underground rarities and releases by new artists from Italy.