Packing Vintage Audio Gear

A quick guide to packing your audio gear for shipping to us.

Whether you are sending us something as a return, for service, or for us to sell for you on consignment, please take the time to read this and pack your gear properly. And if you have any questions or concerns it is always better to delay and speak to us before you ship. Heart-breaking photos of smashed rare gear sent to us in a bit of bubble wrap and a plastic envelope are available on request...

More info below, but here's a short handy video we made:


Some additional pointers:

  • Wrap in thick layers of bubble wrap or foam and pack tightly inside a box so it can't move around and will not get damaged if dropped (scrunched-up newspaper works if you don't have packing).
  • Couriers use sorting machines that drop parcels from about shoulder height, so it'll need to withstand that kind of drop. Insurance isn't valid without good packing.
  • Lots of padding and no chance of movement inside box - be sure that corners of the gear are protected so if the box drops, they aren't near edges - pad everything well and pack tightly! Also make sure any power plugs or foot switches can't come loose inside and cause damage. 
  • Oh, and please, please don't use those air-filled cushions. Your gear will flatten them.

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