Gear In-depth & Longer Blogs — Keio
Down To Earth: Korg Stage Echo SE-300 & SE-500 by Tony Miln
Feb 01 2018 5 Comments Tags: Gear History, Keio, Korg, Roland, Roland tape echo, Space Echo, Stage Echo, Tape / Disc Echo
A blog post going into some of the history and features of superb Korg's tape echoes, and also some useful information if you are asking yourself "Should I get a Korg Stage Echo or a Roland Space Echo?".
Roland’s black, green and silver (and later black and orange) Space/Chorus Echo units are familiar to nearly everyone who’s been involved in music-making over the past four decades - they are iconic and ubiquitous. Korg’s echoes are more down to earth - in livery as well as name. Swapping Space for Stage and jazzy colours for the muted - almost gothic - dark grey/black contemporary to their synths, Korg Stage Echoes are much less common than their cosmic cousins and, as a result, there are many yet to encounter them.