Gear In-depth & Longer Blogs — Maestro USS-1
Tony's Guitar Synth Premier Guitar Article is Out!
Jun 20 2018 0 Comments Tags: Frogg Compu-Sound, Guitar Pedal, Guitar Synth, Ludwig Phase II, Maestro, Maestro USS-1, Premier Guitar, Synthi HiFli
The second of my articles for Premier Guitar has now been published. It's a slightly sideways look at the world of 70s guitar synths and goes in-depth into: the mighty Synthi HiFli (that's our own in the orange case in the image below), the Ludwig Phase II, Soundgas favourite the Maestro USS-1 (a multi-effects unit with Tom Oberheim designed circuitry), the Frogg Compu-Sound, and the unique-sounding Soviet Esko-100. And of course all manner of other peculiar and super-are units get a mention as well. It goes a little something like this: "As I started researching and writing this story, it slowly dawned on...