Gear In-depth & Longer Blogs — dub
When Tape Echoes Go Viral...
Jun 27 2017 0 Comments Tags: Clouds Hill FX, Drum Synth, dub, HH Slider Echo, Tape / Disc Echo
We had some posts go viral on facebook... We like social media but we'd be the first to admit that we're still on a steep learning curve with it. This business began because of a passion for music and the gear that makes it, and that's still at the heart of what we do. And one thing's for sure - you'll never see us posting with some kind of grand plan in mind - apart from anything else we haven't got the time! So, our social media "strategy" essentially comes down to "share that gear and passion with people that...
Dub Special - Prince Fatty Consignment
Oct 31 2016 0 Comments Tags: dub, Grampian 636, prince fatty, Space Echo, spring reverb
We have a heavyweight consignment of mouth-watering vintage gear just arrived hot from the studio of Mike "Prince Fatty" Pelanconi. He is undoubtedly on the vanguard of the new wave of dub producers now following and building on the traditions and techniques of dub. We're long time fans (see his live dubs on youtube!) so getting our hands on some of his essential studio tools is a source of much excitement. Some items will be sold via the site, others by a sealed bid auction ending on Wednesday 9th November at 12pm GMT. First up, and requiring no introduction to Soundgas regulars, is his stunning Grampian Type 636...
Grampian Type 636 - Believe the hype... by Tony Miln
Jun 30 2016 0 Comments Tags: Distortion, dub, Gear History, Grampian 636, Lee "Scratch" Perry, Pete Townshend, Roland tape echo, Spring Reverb, The Who
We recently had the Grampian 636 you see below come up for sale by sealed bids. This blog post is about that unit, as well as some history and technical information about these superb, legendary machines. If you are looking to buy a Grampian or have one to sell in any condition please get in touch. UPDATE: we compiled all the demos of this Grampian into this Youtube playlist. I first encountered one of these unprepossessing grey boxes while trawling ebay many years ago. As ever, I was looking for inexpensive old effects that would sound different to the run of the mill...