When Tape Echoes Go Viral...

Jun 27 2017 0 Comments Tags: Clouds Hill FX, Drum Synth, dub, HH Slider Echo, Tape / Disc Echo

Viral Mayhem

We had some posts go viral on facebook...

We like social media but we'd be the first to admit that we're still on a steep learning curve with it. This business began because of a passion for music and the gear that makes it, and that's still at the heart of what we do. And one thing's for sure - you'll never see us posting with some kind of grand plan in mind - apart from anything else we haven't got the time! So, our social media "strategy" essentially comes down to "share that gear and passion with people that want to know about it" but in reality that often amounts to "film ourselves plugging things in, making noises and having fun and just post that".

All of which means we've been very (pleasantly) surprised when something we've posted, thinking it was pretty niche, goes crazy. If you want to join the party here's a couple of the ones that really seemed to hit a note with people on facebook (there seems to be a common theme...), and also one from Instagram: 

HH Slider Echo. Probably the most fun echo I've ever played. (This is the first and still the craziest experience of something going crazy on facebook - currently at 985000 views!)


Vocu VTE compact tape echo. Very similar or near identical to the Hiwatt Echo. Fully featured, uses Space Echo tapes (a recent post that has surprised us - the Vocu sold immediately, but we will have another ready soon):


And finally here's the Synare and Clouds Hill Floppy Disc Delay which really caught people's attention on our Instagram:

A post shared by Soundgas Limited (@soundgasltd) on


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