Our Bandcamp is Live!
Jun 20 2017 0 Comments Tags: Binson Echorec, Grampian 636, Space Echo, TB-303, TR-808
Yes, big news indeed. That's just a quick screen grab above, but click on it and you will be taken to the Aladdin's Cave of Sound that is our new Bandcamp.
OK, so right now the cave is a little empty but, as anyone who follows our gear demo adventures on social media will know, we have a huge bank of recordings of demos made with all a manner of vintage gear hooked up in different combinations. These recordings are now lined up to be edited, mastered and prepared for release - some will become tracks and others will be chopped into packs of samples and loops. Some of the tracks themselves are little more than extended live jams and we aim for these to either be used as DJ weapons or as the basis for other tracks.
And, in fact that has already begun to happen with one of our first releases popping up on Instagram and Youtube being used by super-drummer Joe Clegg (hear our original jam below the video):
Hear the original here:
Our aim is to release music regularly, and make the sounds from the rare, unusual and cantankerous gear available to as many people as possible. These loops, and also some of the more basic, extended analogue jams, are designed to be used in composition. Indeed, we're looking forward to hearing what people do with them; all we ask is that people pay the asking price and credit us.
Here's a couple of tasters from the first two packs:
And, it doesn't stop there. We'll also be uploading much of the music to our Soundcloud, including some of the less refined raw jams. These will often be using unusual combinations of gear or machines being hooked up and experimented with - usually un-mastered, un-edited and with comments welcome. This is the first one of those:
All feedback welcome. And, do tell us what you think - if we post a demo and you want to hear it again or to be able to use it let us know; and if you want to hear particular pieces of gear being smashed together then let us know for sure. Future Instagram Live streams will be featuring this kind of crowd-sourced experimentation and interesting suggestions or any helpful feedback are definitely appreciated.
Massive thanks to Ben Hirst and Peter Cattermoul of Elephant Disco for all their work editing, mastering and coming up with silly names for the tracks.
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