Gear In-depth & Longer Blogs — Juno
The People’s Polysynth: Tony Miln shows some love for the Roland Juno
Jan 15 2019 0 Comments Tags: Juno, Roland, Synthesizer
I first laid hands on a synth in 1981 - a very brief ‘go’ on an older boy’s MS-10 (I was shown how to do the intro to Silver Machine by Hawkwind - great excitement). However, living in rural Derbyshire, transport was more important to this teenager than playing space rock anthems, and funds went on a succession of motorbikes and cars. My pals in Sheffield with its 2p bus fares could spend any spare money on wondrous noise making devices. In 1987, I wandered into Carlsbro Sound Centre in Mansfield to finally buy a synth: I was sold a...
Nils Frahm Live Rig Tour by Tony Miln
Dec 12 2018 1 Comment Tags: Binson Echorec, Echocord Studio, Juno, Nils Frahm, Roland Chorus Echo, Synthesizer, Tape / Disc Echo
In which Tony meets Nils Frahm and his Junos and RE-501s, and Nils meets a Soundgas Binson, and The Magic Typewriter... Barely a day goes by when I don’t consider how lucky we are to live and work in the hills of Derbyshire; beautiful countryside, peaceful villages, miles away from the noise and pollution of urban life. But being a hundred-plus miles from London does have its disadvantages: we miss most of the one-off gigs and special events that tend to only happen in the metropolis. Not so this month: a week ago last Friday I got to hang...
We finally made it into our studio...
Apr 23 2015 0 Comments Tags: Binson Echorec, Drum Machine, Echosex, Guitar Pedal, Gurus Amps, Juno, Korg, Minimoog, Minipops, Moog, Roland, Space Echo, Syncussion, Synth, Tape / Disc Echo, TR-808, Vox, Watkins
We found all sorts of things we'd forgotten about, and fell in love with some new things that we'd never used before. Pete from Teleman and Ben from Elephant Disco came down to help us get organised and so huge thanks have to go to them for kicking us into action. It's a facebook post so hopefully most of you can see it, but if you can't and you want to see pictures of a lot of vintage gear then give us a shout. We also made a load of video demos (thanks again to Pete for the great guitar...