Gear In-depth & Longer Blogs — Gurus Amps

Buying a Binson Echorec - Modern Pedal or Vintage Machine? by Tony Miln

Mar 14 2018 6 Comments Tags: Binson Echorec, Echosex, Gear History, Guitar Pedal, Gurus Amps, Tape / Disc Echo, valve/tube tech

Why buy an original Binson Echorec? Original Binson Echorecs are the classic Ferrari of electro-mechanical delays. They’re rare, expensive, require specialist restoration and servicing, parts are scarce, and they need to be cared for and run regularly to remain in top condition. Once the preserve of the lucky few - in 1962 a Baby Binson cost around £140 (£20 less than a Fender Stratocaster, £20 more than a Vox AC-30) and most of those British guitarists wishing to replicate the sound of Hank Marvin and the Shadows, Syd Barrett and Pink Floyd (and latterly David Gilmour) had to make do...

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Gurus Echosex 2 T7E pedal - First Video Demo

Dec 07 2017 0 Comments Tags: Binson Echorec, Echosex, Guitar Demo, Guitar Pedal, Gurus Amps

Tony Miln takes first look at the new Gurus Echosex 2º T7E. Yes, the brand new Gurus Echosex 2 T7Eº pedal is finally here - first stock to land with anyone in the world. It's Gurus recreation of the full functionality of the mighty Binson Echorec 2 T7Eº, complete with four "heads" available in 12 different combinations, plus the Age of Damage control to dial in the sound of a gradually ageing machine. Our first allocation was all sold on pre-order but we and other dealers will have more stock soon. We'll add more detail to this post soon, but for...

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GURUS 1959 DOUBLE DECKER - A Pedalboard Essential

Jan 20 2016 0 Comments Tags: David Gilmour, Guitar, Guitar Pedal, Gurus Amps, Overdrive Pedal, Vox, Watkins

Or a journey from "Yet another overdrive pedal" to "This pedal has inspired me to play guitar more than any other I've bought in recent years"...   When Gurus’ headman Chicco informed me that their next pedal after the Echosex 2º was to be a twin overdrive pedal based on a classic Marshall valve amp, I wasn’t exactly overawed. “Yet another overdrive pedal,” I thought to myself as I tacked a couple onto our re-order for yet more stock of the fabulous Echosex 2º LTD. Named the 1959 after the legendary Marshall, and Double Decker because it sports dual channels. The...

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We finally made it into our studio...

Apr 23 2015 0 Comments Tags: Binson Echorec, Drum Machine, Echosex, Guitar Pedal, Gurus Amps, Juno, Korg, Minimoog, Minipops, Moog, Roland, Space Echo, Syncussion, Synth, Tape / Disc Echo, TR-808, Vox, Watkins

We found all sorts of things we'd forgotten about, and fell in love with some new things that we'd never used before. Pete from Teleman and Ben from Elephant Disco came down to help us get organised and so huge thanks have to go to them for kicking us into action. It's a facebook post so hopefully most of you can see it, but if you can't and you want to see pictures of a lot of vintage gear then give us a shout. We also made a load of video demos (thanks again to Pete for the great guitar...

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A vintage Italian disc echo for less than £300?

Feb 27 2015 0 Comments Tags: Binson Echorec, Echosex, Gurus Amps, Tape / Disc Echo

Say hello to the brand new reincarnation of the legendary Binson Echorec in pedal form. From Gurus Amps in Italy we present the Gurus Echosex 2° - we've been working up to stocking new products for a while and this the first brand new gear addition to our range; it looks stunning and... it works! You can order it and find more of Tony's initial thoughts on it in the listing here. We're in the process of writing a full review of this unit. To get you started there's some more information below taken from the manufacturer, and our first two...

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