Gear In-depth & Longer Blogs — Echocord Studio

Nils Frahm Live Rig Tour by Tony Miln

Dec 12 2018 1 Comment Tags: Binson Echorec, Echocord Studio, Juno, Nils Frahm, Roland Chorus Echo, Synthesizer, Tape / Disc Echo

  In which Tony meets Nils Frahm and his Junos and RE-501s, and Nils meets a Soundgas Binson, and The Magic Typewriter... Barely a day goes by when I don’t consider how lucky we are to live and work in the hills of Derbyshire; beautiful countryside, peaceful villages, miles away from the noise and pollution of urban life. But being a hundred-plus miles from London does have its disadvantages: we miss most of the one-off gigs and special events that tend to only happen in the metropolis. Not so this month: a week ago last Friday I got to hang...

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Dynacord Echocord Studio: In Search Of The Magic Typewriter…

Nov 21 2018 1 Comment Tags: Dynacord, Echocord Studio, Gear History, repairs & mods, Tape / Disc Echo, tech talk

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin. I'd heard whispered rumours of a Dynacord echo that with a flat spinning disc instead of tape, but as my searches yielded no further information, I put it down to being just another vintage gear tall tale. That was until a year or two later, when I happened upon what appeared to be a very stylish sixties typewriter, housed in a modest two tone carry case. Where a typewriter would ordinarily have a set of keys, this elegant machine had but a handful of buttons and knobs. A symphony of understated sixties...

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