Gear In-depth & Longer Blogs — Tape / Disc Echo

A vintage Italian disc echo for less than £300?

Feb 27 2015 0 Comments Tags: Binson Echorec, Echosex, Gurus Amps, Tape / Disc Echo

Say hello to the brand new reincarnation of the legendary Binson Echorec in pedal form. From Gurus Amps in Italy we present the Gurus Echosex 2° - we've been working up to stocking new products for a while and this the first brand new gear addition to our range; it looks stunning and... it works! You can order it and find more of Tony's initial thoughts on it in the listing here. We're in the process of writing a full review of this unit. To get you started there's some more information below taken from the manufacturer, and our first two...

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